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Request for additional functions

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  • #198714

    Quentin Le Meur

    Hello guys,
    I noticed a huge lack of a simple function to your plugin.
    It’s edition of image names and sizes:
    – When I add products to my store with your plugin, I need to download images and re-assign them to products just for changing their name.
    – Images often have this text in the end of their url : _640x640.jpg which is attended to display them in a smaller size on Ali for thumbnails. I remove this by hand, download the image, rename it, push it to the website, assign it to the product. HUGE LOSS OF TIME.

    My requests for your dev team are:
    1/ Get biggest image possible for the best visual details available: remove the thumbnail size format from url to download the biggest image.
    2/ Add a optionnal function in the plugins setting, to rename the images and the image variations with the product title that was chosen at the moment of import from list to shop.

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