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Tracking number shortcode formatting

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  • #200404


    We have a shortcode formatting problem, with 1.2.3 shortcode it didn’t work at all. Now with 1.2.4 there is a formatting issue. We get weird [“”] and \/\/.

    meta key is: _montonio_tracking_info
    value is: Jälgi saadetist: <a target="_blank" href=https://minu.omniva.ee/track/CC541427826EE/?language=et>CC541427826EE</a><br>

    For the “[wec_order_meta key=’_montonio_tracking_info’]” output we get: <p style="text-align: center">["J\u00e4lgi saadetist: \n <a target="_blank" href="https:\/\/minu.omniva.ee\/track\/CC541427826EE\/?language=et">CC541427826EE<br>"]</a></p>

    The output should be the same as the value?

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