If you’re unsure about the meaning of red and green indicators while importing products on AliExpress pages, this article will provide clarity.
Red and green color when importing on AliExpress pages.
On Aliexpress Importing pages, a Shipping company is always set as the default value to ship the goods to the country you have chosen. You can see that there are many shipping companies available in the list, some shipping companies may support shipping to a certain country but some do not support it. The color indicators appear to help you distinguish them. Therefore you will pay attention to two selections: The country where to ship to, and the Shipping company that delivers the good to that country.
Select the country where to ship toÂ
Available shipping companies
+ The Green indicator appears if the selected shipping company supports shipping the items to the selected country.
+ The Red indicator appears if the selected shipping company does not support shipping the items to the selected country.