Home Forums Plugins Bopo – WooCommerce Product Bundle Builder Disable links to products in bundle on Cart/Checkout page

Disable links to products in bundle on Cart/Checkout page

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  • #205595



    I’ve got your BOPO working great, exactly how I want – but I have one problem.

    In the Cart and on the Checkout page the products in the Bundle have live links to the products pages in the Shop. This would normally be OK except we have hidden these products on the shop page as they cannot be bought unless they are in the bundle. Currently the thumbnail and name of product links take you to the product and the pencil link takes you to the pop up to choose a product.

    Can we disable the thumbnail and product name links that go to the shop or can we make it so they link to the pop up selection like the pencil link?

    Other than that, this plugin is perfect for us.

    See screenshot to show what I mean or visit the staging site ( staging.thefantasticfudgecompany.co.uk ) and you can experience for yourself our issue.

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