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extract tracking id

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  • #202603


    Im attempting to extract the tracking number to show in a formulary but I have problems with the extraction.

    Im bulk importing the tracking numbers using file with fields
    Order ID,
    Tracking Number,
    Carrier Slug,
    Order Status,
    But not importing “Order Item ID”

    when doing this
    It creates a value on: wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta/meta_key
    with this structure.

    however, it is supposed to create a new value on
    wp_vi_woo_orders_tracking_track_info/tracking_number and carrier_id

    1.What Im doing wrong that when bulk importing is not creating the data on wp_vi_woo_orders_tracking_track_info/tracking_number

    1.1 Is it because Im not importing Order Item ID? if this is the reason, wthat complicates a lot the import db creation

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