Home Forums Pre-Sale Few questions before considering to buy Cart all in One

Few questions before considering to buy Cart all in One

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  • #167174

    Davide Reis

    Hello Villa Team,

    I came across your Cart all in One extension which we like a lot: it is very complete, customizable and allows you to stimulate additional sales. I am indeed building a new WooCommerce site for a friend and I am researching various extensions.

    I have a few questions for you (English is not my native language, you will excuse me). I haven’t bought your extension yet but we are considering it. For now, I’m setting up its free version:

    1) I can’t change the quantities from the cart sidebar. Is this normal? It seems to me that it is a free feature but when I click on + or – nothing changes. I may have misunderstood and this is a paid feature.

    2) With the paid version, if I understood correctly, I can also have my customers order their basket from the side bar without having to access the order page. On your demo, the order page is in English. Indeed, my clients speak French. I saw that it was possible to change the language of the texts in the basket (thank you for this excellent idea which allows you to adapt the data to your language <3), but when I access the check out is it also configurable in our language or will it just display the order page in its WooCommerce extension language? In both cases it would be wonderful, otherwise if the checkout remains only in English without the possibility of modifying it it will be very difficult to consider a purchase of the extension for us.

    3) The price displayed for the purchase of the extension is for life, by the month or by the year?

    4) I am completely confused on the difference between the regular and expended offer. My friend doesn’t pay me, so he takes care of everything. In this case the regular version is enough? It’s a small independent

    I thank you in advance for your prompt return and wish you a great day!

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