Home Forums Pre-Sale How can I get the coupon expiration date? Customer Coupons for WooCommerce

How can I get the coupon expiration date? Customer Coupons for WooCommerce

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  • #176029

    Lora B

    Hi Using the Customer Coupons for WooCommerce plugin, thank you so much for a great plugin!

    Can you please tell me how I can get the coupon expiration date? I tried . wp_kses_post( $coupon_date ) . but it didn’t help me,

    Please, can you give me a piece of code?

    add_filter(‘viwcc_get_promotion_title’, function ($a){
    return ‘<div class=”promo”>’
    . ‘<div class=”promo-s1″>’
    . ‘<br>’
    .’How can I get the coupon expiration date?’
    . ‘</div>’
    . ‘<div class=”promo-s2″>’
    . ‘- {coupon_value}’
    . ”
    . ‘</div>’
    . ‘</div>’;


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