Home Forums Pre-Sale How Taobao gets orders, money, and customers info to ship?

How Taobao gets orders, money, and customers info to ship?

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  • #206915

    Boris Popovich

    I can see that all this is in English, but I don’t get the feeling that it’s written by a native English speaker, and things are simply not clear.

    I don’t have “issues”, but I am just trying to understand the process before I purchase the plugin. Also I want to know if there is a real customer support, a person who can help set it up. It seems very complicated and many things are not clear in English. The videos don’t have a real person speaking but a computer generated voice which is hard to follow. A human touch would be helpful here.

    I am in China working with musical instrument factories and selling from online stores. I have a Taobao buyer account, and also Aliexpress seller account and store, all set but didn’t start selling yet. I of course have a woocommerce store that I cold connect to both Taobao and Aliexpress. I am even thinking how to connect and sync my products on Aliexpress and take advantage of ridiculously cheap shipping rates there, that I don’t seem to find outside of Aliexress. All this seems like a big job setting up, and the documentation here just isn’t clear how it all works. I could successfully import products with an extension.

    Customer places the order in my store, Stripe or Square collects the money into my accounts, but how does Taobao get their order and their money, and their address? You describe how the orders can be seen in my Taobao products purchased marked as dropshipping or something, but where is the shipping information for my customer, and where do they actually ship, because my own shipping info is in their system, and it’s a local address, and for every order payment I have to enter my Alipay password which is not automatic at all. Even if the orders are forwarded to Taobao, they will just ship to me, and then I have to ship to customers or??? You don’t clarify this.

    Do I have to make an agreement with each Taobao store before importing their products and set payment terms? You mention there are 1 billion products on Taobao, yes, but if I actually have to talk to each store and make a deal, and set things up with them, then out of 1 billion products, I only have access to a tiny piece of the entire platform.
    Your forum is for a few dozen plugins, and digging through is not very helpful for specific questions

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