Home Forums Plugins ChinaDS – Taobao Dropshipping for WooCommerce ChinaDS – Taobao Dropshipping for WooCommerce Extension How to retrieve Taobao Order ID and China Supplier’s courier number

How to retrieve Taobao Order ID and China Supplier’s courier number

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  • #199786

    darry tung


    I know that your plugin could not access Taobao Order ID and Supplier’s courier number.

    We have some solutions with 3rd tools but I wish your company could enhance plugin to solve them.

    1. Taobao Order ID
    Click the all order tab. User could access taobao order id. You could access html file to get all taobao order as well as status like wait for payment, paid order without courier number and etc. Then your API could update the order line with below information –
    See order id : 3892574484020360239
    1. Variation(e.g. color, size… 香味:月之咏叹男 100ml)
    2. SKU number in product(id=739366532149) http link (e.g.https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.
    3. Qty
    With above 3 attributes, your plugin could post the right Taobao order id to the related order detail.

    2. Courier number
    With sample screen(ALL ORDERS), your plugin could get Taobao order number and SKU Number while user installed Aliprice chrome extension and turn it on.
    Then your plugin could post courier number with taobao number.

    Please be reminded that there are several hundreds of order line. Your plugin should allow user to select number of order pages to be processed.

    We are using web scrape to post both order id and courier id. Wish your plugin could provide this important functions to us.

    See you.

    Best Regards

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