Home Forums Pre-Sale How to use Curcy in a hyperinflation environment

How to use Curcy in a hyperinflation environment

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  • #203549


    Hi VillaTheme

    I am interested in using Curcy for my site where I base the costs of my products in USD, but I display the external prices in another currency. The challenge is that the external currency devaluates constantly so I need to increase the price almost twice monthly. As a result, I am seeking a plugin that can help me with:

    1. upload my custom exchange rate (which I am sure can be done manually) programmatically
    a. via a trigger (event or time)
    b. import custom exchange rate via API (in addition to what Curcy already has)
    c. keep a log of the historical rate and time of update

    2. calculate profits/loss correctly. The sales of the products in the hyperinflating local currency need to be converted back to the USD with the exchange rate at the time of the sales so I can properly calculate the profit/loss. And since the exchange rate is constantly evolving, sales made in different time will have different exchange rate, so I need a way to track the exchange rate for each sales to convert it back to USD

    3. all products are displayed in local currency and all sales will be made in local currency

    4. all displayed prices will be updated in batch (via trigger, event or time) with newest exchange rate

    Curcy offers a lot of the key features already, but I am not sure how to configure it to support my usage model. Your comments and advice are much appreciated!


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