Home Forums Plugins Import Shopify to WooCommerce Importing customer data and associating it with orders

Importing customer data and associating it with orders

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  • #199892

    Claire Firestone

    Hi there,

    First off — thanks for your plugin. It’s really great and one of the only ones I’ve used that actually works.

    I’m running into an issue importing customer and order data.

    – Customers are showing up _without_ name, phone, email, and other PII. They’re mostly blank rows in WooCommerce post-import that show a lifetime value and AOV with no name/email, etc.
    – Orders are showing up with products, etc., correctly (yay!). However, they are not associated with customers (which doesn’t surprise me given the above). THey’re attached to ‘guest.’

    Can you point me in the right direction to support threads on this topic or likely things to test on my side? (Plugin configuration issue? Shopify API configuration issue? Something else?)

    Appreciate the help! I’m standing by to share more information as you need. Let me know if you need access information to the site (https://staging.farmhouse.delivery/).

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