Home Forums Plugins Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce Missing features in the plugin

Missing features in the plugin

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  • #203537

    Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for this plugin, it has some better features than the AliDropshinp plugin, but currently it is missing 2 essential functions and I am writing to you in case you could add them, I will tell you about the 2 functions.

    The first function is the export of the Aliexpress review on the product, this generates more confidence in buyers when purchasing, it would be a very good update.

    The second and no less important would be the editing of the live product image from the import list section to be able to edit the product image before publishing it in Woocommerce, given that many aliexpress photos include the seller’s brand or a watermark , with a simple image editor like the one included in the Alidropship plugin, you can edit them by cutting out the unnecessary part or if it is an improved implementation with an image editor with AI via the open.ai API, it would be much better.

    I hope you can implement it, it would be the best Dropshipping plugin, greetings

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