Home Forums Plugins Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce Pricingrules: saleprice vs. regular price from AliE

Pricingrules: saleprice vs. regular price from AliE

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  • #199645

    Ernesto Paczona


    we are using the ALD – Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce solution and are generally very satisfied with it.

    During extensive testing, we noticed that the sale price, rather than the regular prices from AliExpress, is being used as the basis for the automatic margin calculation.

    According to the documentation, the sale price should be set to “-1” under the product price tab for automatic calculation, which we have entered as well. (See screenshot)

    Can you tell us why the regular prices are not being used as the basis according to the settings?
    What settings can we change or tests can we perform?
    What else could be causing this issue?

    We appreciate any advice.

    Thank you very much,


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