Home Forums Plugins WooCommerce Product Builder Question about Pagination and Product Title Color

Question about Pagination and Product Title Color

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  • #124488

    R. Silveer

    Hello there
    i am working forward and it looks very good.

    I have one issue: When the Pagination is showing and if you go with the mouse over the pagination, then the number change the color from white to the button color (in my case is red), and thats a small issue because the number disappear after. I tried to change it with CSS but there is nothing to change. Here normal: https://ibb.co/mNxv989 Here on hover: https://ibb.co/sgstqjc

    The other thing is not a issue, its just a question: Can you provide a CSS code to change the Product Title color? In my Case its white, but i would change it in yellow maybe or what ever. Is the possible? https://ibb.co/mCMJScx

    Thats all, plugin works very nice 🙂

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