Home Forums Plugins WebPOS – WooCommerce POS – Point of Sale REDIS Discounts Not Working Properly

REDIS Discounts Not Working Properly

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  • #207263

    Mark Witkowski

    Hi – we are a licensed user of WooCommerce POS and need to use REDIS – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts with POS. We are having a problem with the REDIS cart discount rules not working properly.

    We want to apply a 30% cart discount only for POS purchases (but not for any other purchases on the site). So, I created a Cart Discount of 30% and applied the condition of ‘Logged in user’. When I do this, the cart discount does not work in POS. However, if I remove the condition and allow discounts without conditions, the discount applies.

    So, how do I accomplish automatically applying either a coupon that exists on the site already or a 30% discount only to POS purchases?

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