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Review sorting not working

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  • #208627

    Khatchik Abrahamian

    Hello. I am using this shortcode:

    [wc_photo_reviews_shortcode comments_per_page=”10″ cols=”4″ cols_mobile=”2″ use_single_product=”on” cols_gap=”” products=”” grid_bg_color=”” grid_item_bg_color=”” grid_item_border_color=”” text_color=”” star_color=”” product_cat=”” order=”” orderby=”wcpr_review_vote” show_product=”on” filter=”on” pagination=”on” pagination_ajax=”on” pagination_pre=”” pagination_next=”” loadmore_button=”on” filter_default_image=”off” filter_default_verified=”off” filter_default_rating=”” pagination_position=”” conditional_tag=”” custom_css=”” ratings=”” mobile=”on” is_slide=”” style=”masonry” masonry_popup=”off” enable_box_shadow=”on” full_screen_mobile=”on” overall_rating=”off” rating_count=”off” only_images=”off” image_popup=”off”]

    this is our URL


    As you can see in the shortcode i have setup the feed to be sort on votes. If you go to our product page you see that the sorting is not working.

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