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s2w plugin

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  • #198619


    hi, i was using S2W plugin to import products from my old < kjvips.shop? shopify to my woocommerce < kjmoda> and the products were keep updating and importing the missing one from shopify to woocoooomerce for that I didn’t have any duplicating issues, but now my shopify store < kjvips.shop> got closed so I created a new shopify store< kjvips.store> and imported all my products from shopify < kjvips.shop> to my shopify < kjvips.store> and now I want to continue importing products from the new shopify store to my woocommerce, But since the shopify store is changed and the API keys, the plugin is importing all the products again from the beginning which I don’t want because I already have most of the products in my woocommerce and I only need the missing ones. Now what to do to avoid duplicated products and only import the missing ones from my new Shopify store to my woocommerce?

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