Home Forums Plugins Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce Second day in a row that auto sync messed up a lot with prices and way bellow cost

Second day in a row that auto sync messed up a lot with prices and way bellow cost

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  • #213155


    Dear Support,

    My website automatically updated it prices using the API key, and today and yesterday most of the products prices dropped to AUD 6.90 (USD 4.60). It’s mostly 70% bellow cost price. I’m able to fix it prices synchronizing manually using the “Sync Products” button.
    Why since yesterday all the prices auto sync are going so wrong crazy but it fix itself manually doing “Sync Products”?
    My ALD plugin is still v2.1.1.1 but I noticed Chrome addon has updated to v1.2.9.

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