Home Forums Plugins Import Shopify to WooCommerce Solution for importing/syncing woo to woo?

Solution for importing/syncing woo to woo?

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  • #203320

    Richard McClary

    I have a woocommerce site which we migrated to (from shopify). We used your Shopify to Woo plugin and it was fantastic, a truly great plugin. Saved me months of work. I have another requirement and I thought I would ask here because I was so impressed with your shopify to woo solution.

    I was wondering if you had any solutions which can sync products and orders between two woocommerce stores?

    I have a woocommerce store #1 which sells products A, B and C. And woocommerce store #2 which will specialise in only selling product A. I would like all orders from site #2 to be synced to site #1. Do you have any existing solutions for this?

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