track order

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  • #167196


    Hi, please respond to this support statement from TrackShip. Give me a
    specific answer on how I can embed the tracking number of the package
    in the email to the customer. This is one of the most important
    functionalities in the store. One of the reasons we chose your product
    is because of Trackship compatibility, which is not available at this
    I would like to get in an email something like this
    how to do it>?

    Message from Trackship:
    “Hi, we worked with VillaTheme on the compatibility in March, they did
    a mistake and removed the code in the latest version and should add it
    back in their next version. You can contact their support, they will
    share with you the new version now, anyway, the shipment status emails
    in our plugin are fully customized, they just get the email container
    and you can fully customize the widget and content using our plugin.

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