Home Forums Plugins WooCommerce Email Template Customizer Trackship WC-hook does not display in emails, break of email templates

Trackship WC-hook does not display in emails, break of email templates

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  • #215220

    We are currently using Trackship for processing shipment data. Unfortunately, we’ve encountered an issue where a lot of HTML fragments are being displayed in the emails, causing the entire template to break.

    We have already reached out to the Trackship support team, but they referred us to you, stating that the issue likely stems from your plugin.

    Additionally, when an order is completed, the customer receives a “Completed Order” email from us. This email includes a WooCommerce hook that is supposed to display the shipment tracking information. In the email preview, everything displays correctly, and the Trackship WooCommerce hook works as expected. However, in the actual emails sent to customers, the tracking information is missing entirely.

    Could you kindly look into this issue and help us resolve it as soon as possible? We would appreciate any guidance or solutions you can provide to ensure the templates and tracking information display correctly in the emails.

    We have already reached out to the Trackship support team, but they referred us to you, stating that the issue likely stems from your plugin.

    Could you kindly look into this issue and help us resolve it as soon as possible? We would appreciate any guidance or solutions you can provide to get the templates displaying correctly again.

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