Home Forums Plugins W2S – Migrate WooCommerce to Shopify Woo Taxonomies and Attributes not coming through as Shopify Metafileds

Woo Taxonomies and Attributes not coming through as Shopify Metafileds

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  • #223818


    Hi there, we have the premium version of your plugin. We have a shoes store in Woo and we want to migrate to Shopify. We have done the mapping as per your instructions but we face the following issues:

    1. No taxonomies or attributes are coming through to Shopify. We have done mapping following your guide like below:
    pa_heel-high –> custom.heel_height
    pa_brand –> Vendor
    product_tag –> custom.wootags
    product_cat –> custom.woocategory

    2. Shoes Variations come to Shopify ONLY if they are in Stock. Out of Stock Size variations of the product don’t come at all.

    3. Once we run a migration for 2 specific products, if we run again for the same products it says Import Completed No data to Import.

    Can you please help on the above?

    Kind Regards

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