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Woocommerce Bookings Email Templates

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  • #143138



    I’m loving your plugin. I tried a few and it’s by far the best in terms of power. However, I’m using Woocommerce bookings. Is there any way to get your plugin (apart from the default template) to work with the other templates from Woocommerce bookings?

    Woocommerce bookings adds these templates:

    Emails sent to the customer
    Booking Reminder – reminds your customers about their booking one day before it takes place
    Booking Confirmed – sent when the booking status changes to “Confirmed”, either automatically or manually by an admin
    Booking Pending Confirmation – notifies your customers that their booking is awaiting confirmation
    Booking Notification – manual notification sent to all customers who have a future booking date for a specific product
    Booking Cancelled – sent to your customers when their booking’s status changes to “cancelled”
    Emails sent to admin
    New Booking – lets you know there is a new booking and that it might need confirmation
    Admin Booking Cancelled – confirmation email that’s sent when a booking status changes to “cancelled”

    Thank you,


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