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WooCommerce Orders Tracking

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  • #228875



    1. I set up order tracking through the service Cainiao, but orders are not tracked. I’m checking with this tracking number 9C9761I437661, service 17 track shows that the order has already been delivered and it is so https://t.17track.net/it#nums=9C9761I437661, whereas when I check this number in my store it says that Tracking number is expired or not found in existing orders. https://prnt.sc/yv8x-XmHV52S. Please help set up order tracking through Cainiao service.
    2. Please make the border of the tracking field a light gray color #F9F9F9 and make no border at all to the right of the button https://prnt.sc/g5YWSvQ4bDi5

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