Home Forums Plugins Bopo – WooCommerce Product Bundle Builder Wrong Product Images, Scroll After Close Popup, and Big Cart Images Problem

Wrong Product Images, Scroll After Close Popup, and Big Cart Images Problem

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  • #228382



    I recently purchased your WordPress plugin and encountered several issues related to the Bopo Bundle functionality. Below is a detailed list of the problems:

    Product Cover Image Missing in Bopo Bundle Products:

    -When a product is selected as a Bopo Bundle (e.g., “Test Bundle” in the attached video), the product’s cover image doesn’t appear in the right-side image gallery thumbnail list.
    -This causes the image order to be incorrect. For example, clicking on a product image displays previous image.
    -However, when the product type is Simple Product (e.g., “Test Product” in the video), the cover image appears at the top of the right-side gallery, followed by the gallery images, which is the expected behavior.

    Video: https://youtu.be/ckLHM_bbMaI

    Page Scroll Issue When Selecting Products in Bundle Popup:

    -Every time the bundle popup opens and closes, the page scrolls vertically.
    -The page first jumps to the top and then returns to its previous position, creating a disruptive user experience.

    Video: https://youtu.be/WXQQLF3FsQA

    Oversized Images in the Cart for Bundle Products:

    -On the cart page, all images of bundle products appear excessively large (600x600px).
    -These images should be properly resized to maintain consistency with other product images in the cart.

    Video: https://youtu.be/VjIIdvImlrw

    Could you please look into these issues and provide a fix or guidance on how to resolve them? I’m planning to launch my website in a few days and start selling products, so I need an urgent response and a quick solution for these issues. Thanks in advance.

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