Buy the Best, Forget the Rest

📣📣📣 Did you know that there’s only 2 days left for the Envato Sale event – Steal of the Week?
If yes, why hesitate to visit our amazing items and get them with an ideal price?
WooCommerce Email Template Customizer – ONLY $22 instead of $32
👉 WooCommerce Email Template Customizer is a helpful tool that helps you build and customize the Email templates for WooCommerce. The plugin provides sufficient base elements and WooCommerce elements as well as developmental tools for users to build a completed email.
👉 Plugin main features:
✔️ Easily drag and drop elements to build and customize emails.
✔️ Email Elements.
✔️ Unlimited Number of Rows.
✔️ Live Preview of changes on desktop and mobile versions, send test email before the real sending
✔️ RTL support
✔️ Create customizable blocks and add them to any template
✔️ Display Dynamic Data with Placeholders.
✔️ Compatible with WPML.
✔️ Responsive and work perfectly on any devices.
✔️ WC Hook element supports to display the 3rd plugin’s content in email.
✔️ Default Email Template feature loads the 3rd plugin content when no available email types matched.
CURCY – WooCommerce Multi Currency – Currency Switcher – ONLY $22 instead of $32
👉 WooCommerce Multi Currency allows your customers to switch between currencies and helps your store accept payments in multi-currency. The exchange rate can be set up manually or automatically. The plugin can automatically get the customer’s geolocation and display the price in the customers’ native currency.
👉 Plugin main features:
💡 Display the Currency Switcher for converting price in different currencies.
💡 Multi Currency checkout
💡 Control Payment methods
💡 GEO detect
💡 Auto update Exchange rates
💡 Compatible with WPML and Polylang
💡 Fixed price
💡 Bulk add or edit fixed price
📌📌📌 Don’t forget we’re still offering 40% discount on WooCommerce Coupon Box and WooCommerce LookBook – ONLY $26 $15 to get each one!
👉 WooCommerce Lookbook allows you to create realistic lookbooks of your products. Your customers can buy products from Instagram images or any images. Help your customers visualize what they purchase from you.
Outstanding features
👉 Plugin main features:
✔️ Create unlimited Lookbooks with photos and WooCommerce Products.
✔️ Using nodes to make products on Lookbook.
✔️ Quick view popup and interact with product on the popup.
✔️ Shortcode to display Lookbook anywhere.
✔️ Sync Instagram photos to Lookbook
✔️ Perfectly responsive on any devices.
👉 WooCommerce Coupon Box: Display a coupon box pop-up that allows your customers subscribe by their email to get coupon.
👉 Plugin main features:
⚡ Subscribe Emails for coupon.
⚡ Send coupon email to subscribers.
⚡ Subscription Shortcode.
⚡ Compatible with Mailchimp, Sendgrid, Email Campain.
⚡ Perfectly responsive on any devices.
👉 See more amazing items in our portfolio.
👋 Don’t be interrupted updating if your plugin support duration was ended, just follow this guide to update the plugins.