Home Forums Plugins WooCommerce Thank You Page Customizer Coupon code and recommended products on thank you page

Coupon code and recommended products on thank you page

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  • #89681


    I have the premium version of your thank you page plugin.
    On my thank you page I show a coupon code and recommended products, they can add right away.

    Is it possible to setup the following rules?:

    – If the customer adds another order right away (or before we ship), the shipping should be free.
    – But if they want to use the coupon code AFTER we’ve shipped, the free shipping doesn’t apply since this is regarded as a completely separate order.

    How do we set up a rule like this? They receive the coupon through email as well (should expire after 30 days).
    Should we create two separate coupon codes with different rules? One for the TY page (24 hour expiration) and another for the email (30 days expiration)?

    thank you

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