Home Forums Plugins CURCY – WooCommerce Multi Currency Currency conversion done twice or more in checkout

Currency conversion done twice or more in checkout

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  • #231271

    Carl Ericsson


    We are dealing with a similar problem to this one here https://villatheme.com/supports/topic/wrong-totals-for-cart/ and this one https://wordpress.org/support/topic/currency-converts-incorrectly-at-checkout/.

    I have a shop where I sell in EUR (base currency) and SEK (SEK prices set to be 10x the EUR ones) through WooCommerce subscriptions.

    Doing an initial purchase of a subscription works fine. However if a renewal payment fails and a user tries to perform the renewal there manually the 10x multiplier is added to the final amount in the checkout regardless of what currency is used (both SEK and EUR prices get the 10x multiplier).

    This started happening when upgrading from version 2.3.3 to 2.3.7 of the premium Curcy plugin. Reverting back the plugin version to 2.3.3 fixed the issue. So I’m assuming some kind of bug was introduced in the later versions. Is this something you could take a look at?

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