Home Forums Pre-Sale Error / REDIS – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

Error / REDIS – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

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  • #202249



    I previously wrote on the WordPress Forum about a problem with the “REDIS – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts” plugin. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/variation-price-error/#post-17816401

    You told me to write in this forum to validate the problem

    I have a site under construction (https://grasshillcoffeeroasters.com/producto/central-america-blend/) in which I am using “REDIS – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts” and it presents an error when selecting a variation, I thought it was some problem with the site, I created a test site and the same problem happens, I attach a video

    Try with different configurations and the problem in general is when activating REDIS – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

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