Home Forums Plugins WooCommerce Photo Reviews Problem with star rating, when its not 5/5 stars

Problem with star rating, when its not 5/5 stars

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  • #37403

    Rene Ulrich

    Hello, i fixed my problem yesterday – I had to change the width of each rating. Now the problem is there, when someone gives under 5 Stars, for example here https://cabinready.at/produkt/go-around-armband-silber/?pk_vid=d23decf01e445b48156897306350ea0b
    Screen: https://prnt.sc/p8mg0a (Should be a 4/5 review, but gets displayed as 5/5) The problem is, that 4/5 stars has a width of 80%, but there is some conflict (I think), so i need to change it for example to 60% width, same with 3/5 ratings – instead of 60%, it has to be around 40% – can you tell me, where I can change these CSS settings?

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