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Products with different currency on the same website

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  • #188815


    Dear Support Team,

    I am writing to seek assistance with an issue related to the display of currency for 2 different types of products on our website.

    We offer two distinct types of products on our site. For the first type, the original pricing is provided in USD (U.S. Dollars), whereas for the second type, the pricing is provided in EUR (Euros).

    The challenge arises when a visitor browses our website. Currently, if the default currency of the website is set to USD, we expect that the prices for products originally priced in Euros should automatically convert to USD. Similarly, when a user switches the site’s currency setting to Euros, the prices of products originally in USD should be displayed in Euros.

    Could you please let us know where we can integrate the original prices with different currency on the website ?

    This issue is critical as it may lead to confusion among our customers and affect their shopping experience.

    Could you please provide guidance or a solution to ensure that:

    Products originally priced in USD are always shown in USD when the site’s default currency is USD, and convert to Euros when a user switches to Euro.
    Products originally priced in Euro follow the same logic in reverse.
    We would appreciate a prompt resolution to this issue. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Best regards,
    Gabriel Freiha

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