Home Forums Plugins WooCommerce Email Template Customizer Regarding Email dafault template and short code

Regarding Email dafault template and short code

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  • #189504


    I have 3 issues/questions:

    1. I already downloaded the premium plugin and replaced the existing folder before, but how can I verify if I have the licensed installed? I still see text in my wordpress admin that I should upgrade (thumbnail_1)

    2. I have placed a short code below (thumbnail_2), this short code already works on separate emails sent from the plugin, but it does not work if I include it in your text editor, see below of the result. You sent me a link with article about it, but I dont get it to work

    3. Emails from WPloyalty exist in the email settings in woocommerce, but the don’t get the Default Template when they are sent. You sent me the article, that say that all 3rd-part email that appear in the ecommerce settings should use that template, but it is not in my case.


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