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Review reminder email not sending about 50% of the time

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  • #135861

    Mike P

    I’ve been testing the review reminder email for a couple of days.
    For me, only about 50% of the emails are sent.
    I configured reminder to be sent on Complete status with no other conditions.
    I tried different schedule times such as 1 second, 15 seconds, 300 seconds, 5 minutes, 20 minutes.
    Some order I tested, _wcpr_review_reminder is still pending when “time” is 2 days ago.
    I checked cron list and can see there’s wp_wcpr_process_cron_interval set to 5 minutes.
    How can I check why some emails are sent and some are not sent? I completed about 20 orders for testing and only about 10 orders sent review reminder emails.

    Thank you.

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