Home Forums Plugins CURCY – WooCommerce Multi Currency Rounding Problem

Rounding Problem

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  • #180815



    Your support has asked me to post here now.

    We are trying to integrate with a new payment supplier, however when is set to 0 decimal places – there is an error of ‘Amount does not match sum of orderitems”.

    The payment plugin company suspects that it is the Curcy plugin that is causing the problem.

    In thier log, when they run a test transaction, they get the return below:

    “order”: {
    “items”: [
    }, “reference”: “38966”,
    “name”: “Test Product”,
    “quantity”: 1,
    “unit”: “pcs”,
    “unitPrice”: 143486,
    “taxRate”: 0,
    “taxAmount”: 0,
    “grossTotalAmount”: 143486,
    “netTotalAmount”: 143486 <—————- The original amount
    }, “reference”: “shipping|my2:0”,
    }, “name”: “Store Collection”,
    “quantity”: “1”,
    “unit”: “pcs”,
    “unitPrice”: 0,
    “taxRate”: 0,
    “taxAmount”: 0,
    “grossTotalAmount”: 0,
    “netTotalAmount”: 0
    }, “amount”: 143500, <—————– Round to another amount
    }, “currency”: “USD”,
    “reference”: “41055”

    Is there a way to disable the rounding (a hook or php function even?) and keep the decimal places to 0?

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