Home Forums Plugins CURCY – WooCommerce Multi Currency TTFB issue with Auto-Detect (MaxMind), Litespeed and CDN Quic.Cloud

TTFB issue with Auto-Detect (MaxMind), Litespeed and CDN Quic.Cloud

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  • #183285


    Good morning, reaching out about a new issue, this time concerning TTFB. Our site runs on a Litespeed server, and for caching, we’re using the Litespeed cache system along with CDN Quic.Cloud.

    The snag is, when we activate geolocation with MaxMind, TTFB shoots up significantly. To give you an idea, a cached page usually loads in about 30, 50, or 100 ms at most. With Auto-Detect active, we jump to around 1000 ms on WooCommerce pages (so products, categories, tags). As you can imagine, that renders it pretty much unusable.

    We’re trying to figure out how to solve the problem. It seems to be caused by the htaccess rules recorded after activating Curcy on htaccess, throwing off the Litespeed crawler. Essentially, it can’t cache the pages anymore. So, that wildly off loading time is because, with each call, the CDN node has to contact the main server, which, in turn, can’t cache the pages.

    We tried deleting your Litespeed optimization file, replacing the htaccess rule with this:

    RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !wmc_current_currency [NC]
    RewriteRule .* - [E=Cache-Vary:wmc_current_currency]

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t solve the problem. And that’s why I’m here. Is there anything you can add to help us find a solution?


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