Home Forums Plugins WooCommerce Email Template Customizer Wrong email is being sent when order is completed.

Wrong email is being sent when order is completed.

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  • #175397

    Hi, we use your plugin for email customizing.
    Emailsare being sent via SMTP.
    We have plugin WPmailLogging that shows us what emails were sent.

    When customer orders, mail about new order etc is being sent. However, after we finish order (complete), email is not being sent, wvwn when in all settings in Woocomerce is it checed in to be enabled and sent.

    Instaed of customer get email about order complete, I am getting as admin email with new order (the same order that was complete)…

    Here is the order that was completed at 10:45 today. https://pasteboard.co/31bHXFWAhAjU.png

    Here is email info insted of sending email to customer: https://pasteboard.co/6YUp2ESXUfcu.png — as you see on the botton it is email when the order was placed. and on the top, suppose to be email that order was completed, but it is again regarding new order palced.

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