Search Results for: OUTLOOK

Email background not working

Hello, It seems that the background of the emails is not working and the email when delivered is displayed in the corner of the screen. The issue applies only for Microsoft Outlook. Gmail is displaying it correctly. Regards, Barnabas

Mobile responsive in Gmail app IOS

Hello. My previous ticket is: A few days ago, I found out that the responsive point function does not works when I open the email via Gmail app IOS. If I use Gmail app, it only works for test mail, but it does not work for a real order as you may refer to […]


Hello, hope you are all well. There are a few things that need to be optimized: 1. The mobile view: For example if we have 2 Columns in the header like shown in you demo(Logo left and link right) the elements need to stay in position but they don´t which means the logo will push […]

Format problems

Hello guys, I wanna ask about formating style. The email that arrives is not the same. When I receive an email via mail app in windows or outlook i got no gaps, no colors that i changed and so on. In gmail is it ok but when i put products in there one photo is […]

Plugin is not sending emails to the customer – only admin emails!

Please help! This is a great email template for woocommerce but I cannot get it to send emails to the customer email address. No email is sent when I checkout the order on the website. – The customer receives the emails when the plugin is deactivated with the same email addresses and order details. – […]