Home Forums Plugins WooCommerce Lookbook 2 problemes with the plugin

2 problemes with the plugin

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  • #92387


    First on the demo I saw that by clicking on the image I should have a pop up that contains all the products and I could add to the cart the one I want but in the use I cannot get to that. I can click on an element of the shop the look and it is the only one that I have on the pop up. I can’t get all the products in the pop-up.

    Secondly, some of my products have two selection criteria before adding to the cart. The first concerns the size of the product and the second concerns the choice of color.
    The shop the look containing just the size has no problem, on the other hand those with the colors do not work, we can not select the color. When we click on the color we see nothing, no variation in the product depending on the color and therefore we can not add the product to the cart.

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