Search Results for: OUTLOOK

font size for Billing address

hi Is it possible to declare the font size for the td element in the “Billing address” block? currently: font-size: inherit; maybe in some template files? I need to tweak the styles for outlook

Problems in Outlook 365

Hello. I’ve been using the plugin for a couple of weeks with no problem. But now all of a sudden, the mails received in Outlook do not respect the columns. In Gmail if it looks good. Do you know something about it? Thank you

problem in outlook

Hi, lately i noticed that in outlook client the emails doesn’t show as expected (mobile app). I’m attaching the layout in gmail (correct one) and the layout in the same mobile in outlook (wrong). You will notice that in outlook, featured productes are one in each line. Can you try it in your installation and […]

Outlook not displaying template correctly

I have the same template send to gmail and looks exactly like in editor but in Outlook 2019 and 365 the template breaks. I have multiple fonts showing and layout is totally wrong on outlook like rounded corners are not working. please advice.

Responsivity not working in Gmail and Outlook app for mobile

Hello, Responsiveness on mobile is not displayed correctly as in the mobile preview. We check the default and custom templates with two columns, but the responsivity on Gmail and Outlook app doesn’t work on mobile. The whole context is simply reduced in size by the width of the mobile and columns does not break below. […]

Alignment and image size in Outlook desktop

Hello, Alignment and image size are not good when viewing email on outlook desktop. The image is way to big, so its ugly. The background color also does not work like supposed to do. see images in private reply

optical defects + PHP Output

Hi, im using your plugin. Basically, I am thrilled with the settings options and find the plugin good. Unfortunately, however, there are some things that do not work well for me. Below I would like to explain these. 1.) When I edit a mail, in my case the “order confirmation” and then send it as […]

Imagenes y Boton del checkout

Hola. Las imagenes del email template no salen correctamente en el email enviado a Gmail. El botón del checkout funciona correctamente pero las imagenes de los productos y demás no. Por otro lado, en outlook no funciona el botón del checkout. Espero puedan ayudarnos por favor.

Email formatting breaks in Microsoft Outlook desktop email client

Hello, I have contacted you regarding this issue before and you partly fixed the problem. In Europe the Microsoft Outlook email client for desktops is a preferred email client for many people, therefore it is very important that e-mails look good and professional when opened inside this e-mail client. At the moment text-align right does […]