
🔥 VillaTheme is here with our very first sale for your upcoming successful year. Up to 40% OFF on WooCommerce Free Gift, WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches and WooCommerce Checkout Upsell Funnel 🔥 What’s more – Faview is free for

📣📣📣 Did you know that there’s only 2 days left for the Envato Sale event – Steal of the Week? If yes, why hesitate to visit our amazing items and get them with an ideal price? WooCommerce Email Template Customizer  

Some updates have been available in VillaTheme’s plugins. Let find out what is news: 📌 Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce Version -Fixed: Split variations -Added: Ability to remove attribute -Updated: Compatible with W5.6 and WC 4.8 Premium

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